Wednesday, May 6, 2009

thx jin..=)

today we have bigger houses, smaller families

more amenities, but less time

we have higher education level, more knowledge, but less common sense and less competence to judge

we have more experts but more problems

more medicine but less health

we seem unconcern
laugh to little
get angry too quick
get up too late
read too little
watch TV too much
and are less considerate

we multiplied our properties and estates, but we reduce our morale and values

we talk too much, love too little and lie too often

we learn to make a living but not how to live

we have years to live but cant add years to life

we have higher buildings but lower temper

we have wider streets but more narrow point of view

we spend more but have less

we buy more but enjoy it less

we went all the way to the mood and back, but we cant cross the street to meet our neighbors

we split up atoms, but we cant break down prejudice

we write more, learn less

we plan more, but finish less

we have learnt to rush but not to wait

more spare time but less fun

nicer houses, but broken homes

look for realization, read more, sit and enjoy the view

spend more time with your family and friends

eat your favorite food, visit places you love

life is about moments of joy, not moments of survival

erase vocabulary like 'later' 'some other time'