Sunday, March 15, 2009


i mean seriously seriously.. im quite disturbed by the fact that girls do not accept reality.. they get all emotional and its fine getting emotional.. there is another level to it.. they will start to merajuk depan your face as if it is suppose to change my statement or make water turn into wine?.. come on.. get a grip of yourselves girls.. how you suppose to stand up to your staunch 'if a guy can do it so can a girl' thing?.. a guy can accept that he is fat, ugly, stupid, lazy, smelly or whatever comment that is thrown at him as long as it is a fact.. a girl would bloody boycott you.. fuck.. its better then telling a bloody lie.. girls please.. if you want to succeed, drop all this drama and grow up.. gather yourself up and stay calm and think rationally will ya?.. how you expect me to take you seriously or even give you a spec of respect where you yourself is just a big joke with clothes and make up?.. if you reader think that i am wrong to say this please comment and screw me up.. if you want attention, go to a hospital.. 

you are the one who ask me.. 'what do you think about me?'.. and to make sure you know what you are asking me i asked you back.. 'are you asking me what i think about you honestly and want me to tell you the truth?'.. yes she said.. so i said the truth.. i dont go around shooting people that does not want to hear it.. ended up.. she went all crazy and can imagine her screaming and ended with the note.. 'better you dont find me'.. 

never have i once said i do not want to be friends with you..
i am a friend of you in the first place knowing that you are what you are and i accept it..
it does not mean that you are not my friend.. do you abandon your friend if he is blind?.. or he is a smoker?.. no man.. we do not do that.. we are who we are..

i can even accept that girls are what they are now.. just do not deny it..