Wednesday, February 18, 2009

21 12 12

well i continued my personal research of doomsday.. lol.. stopped for months.. since now im just too free, i continued back.. read man articles and involved in forums.. haha.. well here is a few key points that i discovered.. trust me.. it is not easy and gone through alot-alot of websites and videos..

Well.. from what i can gather.. all these theories basically started from the mayan calendar.. the mayan civilization is the last know civilization and the people has mysteriously died out of disappeared for no reason.. heres a slight information how bloody accurate it is: it is said that the calendar is able to tell time in multiple dimensions accurately even for centuries ahead. It has successfully every solar system activity that has occurred in our time. But this calendar mysteriously ends at a specific date. which is 12th of december 2012. According to the calendar, during this time, the solar system will cross the milky way (zodiac).. marking the end of the pisces age or the start of the aquarius.. in between the pisces and the aquarius start zodiac.. This can be said to be in the Mayan Calendar the 12 o'clock position.. where it is the new age.. it happens every 26,000 years if im not mistaken.. this has been called the end of the age by many religion.. Hinduism, Christianity, Islam.. When this occurs, our solar system will line up with the rift in the galaxy which is believed to be the corridor that lead to a super massive black hole at the center of the galaxy.. it will cause the planets to warm.. it will break the matters of water and solid apart.. We can conclude that it has been gradually occurring for the past 18 years.. our north pole has been melting and the south pole has been getting colder..

Heres a slight info on their civilization. it is said through their  artworks drawing and artifacts that they were visited by someone who they call 'The Shinning ones'. they are highly complex being that thought them language, plant, husbandry, architecture, stars, cosmology, date-ing, and how the solar system moves through the universe.. They knew ahead of anyone else centuries ahead.. What they said are only now to be found out through by Nasa and other physicians.. THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY WE CAN MEASURE AND GATHER INFORMATION ON THE GALAXY LIKE THEY DID WITH THEIR TECHNOLOGY DURING THEIR TIME.. even now.. scientist and physicians are just starting to discover what the Mayans did centuries before.. 

The new particle collider that has been made recently in Swiss.. Is said to cause mini black holes.. The bizarre thing is the coming of the super collider and mini black holes is predicted by ancient civilizations and has been warning the modern society not to toy with it.. the tried to warm us not to do it.. for those people who dont know about WTF is this.. it is a machine that has been built where by two atoms.. at charged and fired at each other.. what it does is if it is aimed and hit point on,  it annihilates one another and the sub particles can be observed.. it is said to be possible to form in a mini black hole.. Remember the Big Bang.. this machine can make a mini big bang.. 

Pole shifts.. if the core is what it presumed to be. which is a rotating mass that generates electro magnetic field.. it is possible and it is actually slowly occurring now.. the north pole becoming south and the south goes north.. research has been gathered in the lava flow and their patterns.. samples has been collected.. the magnetic wave of the lava is hardened and can be observed through the pattern on the hardened lava.. it is said that recently the lava patterns on the north and south pole is switching on and off.. when this happens, a super storm will be produced.. for example.. heard that when you drain a tub in australia, it turn clockwise where in american it goes anti clock?.. north and south have different effect on the weather.. noticed that hurricanes and tornadoes are getting stronger?.. earthquakes getting more common at wierd places?.. waves are more aggressive.. coldest and longest winter ever?.. when pole shift happens, electronic communications will collapse..

Egyptians and pyramids.. heard of pyramid of Giza?.. wondered why do you hear this name so often instead of other pyramids in Egypt?.. It is said that the pyramids of Giza were built to precisely match the constellation Orion's Belt.. the belt stars of orion.. researchers believe that the Egyptians are pointing at the Orion because it marks the half way point of the 26000 years circle the Sun makes between galactic alignments.. this proves they say the ancient Egyptian also recognizes that movement that is about to come.. the seem to know the movement of the earth and the solar system way ahead of us.. 

Nostradamus.. ok to start off.. nostradamus didn't predict or foresee that the world would end in 2012.. it has been said that the world would end in 3797 called the final conflagration.. nostradamus is a prophet.. he has many prophecies.. recently The Lost Book of Nostradamus was discovered in Rome in the year 2007.. from what i gathered.. i do not think he predicted that the world would end in 2012.. it is just the scholar's own interpretation on that date and it is just self-fulfilling.. The accuracy of his predictions serves to underscore the fact that he knew the benchmarks that would be achieved as humanity travels on its path of evolution..  He was showing people that tough choices must be made if we, in fact, ever hope to prevent our own self-destruction.. He was alerting humanity to the ideas that our choices are leading to such things as environmental, social and political collapse if we do not change our way of thinking.. His warnings were meant to divert us from catastrophe rather than suggesting that such catastrophe is inevitable.. The goal a person telling you not to go down a certain road because the bridge has collapsed is not to foretell of your death; it is meant to prevent your death..The prophecies of Nostradamus are another voice crying out in the wilderness of human history urging us to change our ways and enter a period of great enlightenment.. I think that the modern scholars interpret his prophecies around a vision of what they want to see.. scholars use these pictures from the lost book and interpret them using images and symbols depicted in the bible and ancient symbology..

you know what.. there is just too many to write about.. google these few things and patch it up yourselves..

Mayan Calander..
Pole Shifts..
Hollow Earth..
Tree of Life..
The Lost Book..
Conjuction of planets..
Zero Point..
2001 KX76..
Planet X..

My personal conclusion that i can tell you going through all this is: if it is certain that there will be this crossing of the milky way.. then something big will happen and devastate the human race like a wipe-out.. but it also can mean a start of a new age that does not necessary mean the destruction of the human kind.. the mayan calendar starts from the previous age.. and suppose to end as scheduled.. so it might mean that there could be a change.. if nostradamus was right the world would come to an end in the year 3797.. 

but im certain about one thing.. if it really happens.. there is nothing we can do.. its just fate.. eh people.. im not gila ok.. lolx.. i still live my life like normal.. hehe~

now carrmen.. is this long enough?.. lolx.. 

i really like philosophy, ancient history, myths.. because i feel that those people that we study and heard about are really what i like to call the 'prime human race'.. i feel people in this century are useless.. if you compare what we done and knew from them.. where do you think we stand?.. i feel we are actually living a slow death caused by our own hands.. we are too used to comfort of technology.. the world cant forever be turning endlessly.. the sun wont be able to shine forever.. you know that..